Getting a massage can provide many health benefits as well as being relaxing. Massage is known to improve circulation, increase energy and blood flow, improve immune function, improve sleep, and reduce muscle tension and stress.
In the colder months, we may need help avoiding colds, and an improved sense of well-being. Getting massages on the regular can strengthen the immune system, increase your range of motion, help with pain management, and provide an improved sense of well-being.
Massage also warms up your muscles and improves blood circulation. Colder temperatures during the winter can cause blood vessels to contract, so getting regular massages will help to prevent it!
Massages to choose from at Nurtur Salon + Spa:
Stress-Fix Body Massage - This treatment uses Swedish massage, foot techniques, and a guided meditation to calm and rejuvenate you. Choose between 30 or 60 minutes.
Chair Massage - A quick, relaxing massage to rejuvenate you for the rest of your day.
Book an appointment with one of our professional massage therapists at Nurtur Salon + Spa today!